Sustainable Tunisia Network
Here is some of our work

Supporting small producers in rural and urban areas

- Ensure that their products are more competitive and visible on the market

Promoting and increasing visibility and economic sustainability is a way to encourage young people to get started and take over the job so as not to see these sectors die out
Fair trade for all, from producer to consumer, is based on the following principles: fair compensation for producers' work, respect for human rights, sustaining partnerships, fostering environmental preservation, and providing consumers with quality products.

`` Since 2017, the SwitchMed programme has been supporting our agency in strengthening its business model, improving their ecological-tourism services and partner networks, not to mention the environmental certification process. ``


We believe all lives are equal and no-one should live in poverty. And so we join forces with people who share this belief, to empower poor communities to build better lives for themselves.
We want to make sure that artisan and small producer get a fair price for the products they sell that represent their real value.

We try to promote the value of:
  • The skill and techniques that go into making a product
  • The culture and history that the product represents
  • The quality of the raw materials and production methods
  • The hard work and passion that go into making each product
We do our best:

To provide you with unique, well-made products that ultimately help tackle poverty by creating long-term income solutions for artisans and small producer from poor communities in Tunisia.

In order to achieve this, we promise

We support our artisans and small producer:

⦁ by selling their goods through a stable long-term trade partnership;
⦁ with honest feedback about product innovation and quality, to ensure we give them every opportunity to succeed;
⦁ by pricing our products according to the principle of fair payment, which incorporates a fair wage and represents each product’s real value, include the raw materials and production methods, skills and techniques, cultural and history, and hard work and passion of the person who grew or made the product.
⦁ By provide them with a sale solution that make theme visible to the world.
⦁ by adhering to Sustainable Tunisia network values and the principles of the World Fair Trade Organisation in all our relationships;
⦁ by growing and developing their business so they can help lift themselves and their communities out of poverty; and
⦁ by providing pre-financing and premiums so that they can deliver health, education and financial support to their circle of artisans, farmers and wider communities.

We provide our customers with:

⦁ high quality and fair customer service to make sure we help our customers get the products, service and information they need;
⦁ quick and clear solutions to address any issues or complaints;
⦁ targeted discounts and promotions that support our customers at key times of the year.
⦁ the opportunity to shop with Tunisia most unique retailer, which is changing traditional attitudes about how retailers achieve success.
We would like to thank all our staff, volunteers, customers, artisans and farmers. We are proud of our 50-year history of bringing unique, ethical, handmade products to Australia, and we look forward to doing this for many more years to come.


Tunisia Ecotourism Coordination Unit:

The platform is preceded by a steering committee of Tunisia Ecotourism, it ensures the technical follow-up, the management and the execution of all its different tasks, and which serves as a link between the producers and the buyers, as well a guarantor of quality of fair products.

Our principles

Our partnership with the producers, based on dialogue,
Transparency and respect, which aims more equity in international trade.
We contributes to sustainable development by offering
Better business conditions for marginalized producers by securing their rights.
Aiming to establish a fair exchange relationship for all, from the producer to the consumer, Tunisia ecotourism thru Sustainable Tunisia network is based on the following main principles: to ensure a fair remuneration for the work of the producers, to guarantee the respect of human rights, to establish lasting relations between partners, promote the preservation of the environment, offer consumers quality products.



Two worlds meet whenever a person moves from one country to the other. Traveler, tourist, discoverer, we’re all of this in turn. But, without a shadow of a doubt, we are always a guest. The countries we visit with so much pleasure are our hosts.

All the happiness a trip can be based on this sometimes delicate relationship.

This code of ethics is based on five fundamental principles on which some apply to adventure tourism and ecotourism:


  • implies a direct contact with nature;
  • wants to be more respectful of the environment and local populations;
  • contributes or does not affect the maintenance of biodiversity and the protection of the environment;
  • is neutral or beneficial to the local economy;
  • promotes, through observation and interpretation, knowledge on the environment led to a sense of satisfaction among customers.


1 – Contribute to the preservation of nature by discover its beauty in order to increase the sensitivity of its people.

2 – Comply with the regulations applicable in each zone visited ‘Parks and reserves’

3 – Respect the signs

4 – Move in the quiet in order not to disturb the wildlife

5 – Respect the habitats of the animals and the support of a medium capacity

6 – Use sustainable, biodegradable and renewable products

7 – Respect the Customs and traditions of people visited

8 – Be open to acquiring new knowledge

9 – Focus on the purchase of local fair trade products

10 –Contribute to the economic well-being of local communities

11 – Respect the Customs and traditions of people visited

Sellers criteria

Small structure
Apply national laws and international labor standards
Ensure respect for everyone
Refuse forced labor and work towards the elimination of child labor
Enhance local cultures and know-how
Reduce negative environmental and health impacts

Preserve and, if necessary, help restore biodiversity
Favor renewable energies
Guarantee traceability
Accept control over the respect of fair trade principles
Promote responsible consumption
Guarantee the traceability of the sectors